Entries Tagged as 'materialism'

Recycling and materialism

May 7th, 2008 / 4 Comments

“Mom, don’t throw it away! You can reuse that.” I rolled my eyes as I fished the empty jelly jar out of the trash. (To tell the truth, I just didn’t want to have more to wash!) My kids are growing up in a culture much more environmentally sensitive than the way I grew up. […]

Tom Hsieh, an inspiration

March 2nd, 2008 / 3 Comments

How many Gen Xers do you know would choose to deny himself of a big house, nice car, vacations, choose to live on $38,000 and give away the rest of his $200k+ a year salary, choose to live in a lower economic neighborhood to share God’s love? In our culture of excesses and accumulation of […]