Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs review
January 5th, 2010
I am always looking for good wholesome family entertainment. With a barrage of junk out there, even those supposedly kid-friendly shows, I am very careful.
When I saw Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs, it met with my approval. (Click on the image to watch the trailer.)
When my children were little, we read the book with the same name, Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs, and loved it. The movie expanded the story with more imagination and adventure.
In an effort to save his city, inventor Flint Lockwood comes up with a machine that makes food out of water. Wouldn’t we love that at our house! But as with all his other inventions, it doesn’t quite work the way it should. A giant meatball rolling down the street crushing cars and buildings was a sure sign that something was definitely wrong.
The characters in the movie are what made this an exceptional movie. Flint,the nerdy young scientist, Sam Sparks, the brainy-but-trying-not-to-be weathergirl, and even the antagonist Mayor Shelbourne, who wanted to be a “big” mayor were adorable characters without trying too hard to be. We especially liked the side character Manny – the cameraman who is actually a medical doctor, a fighter pilot, and a comedian, a pretty amazing mix of skills!
There were good lessons taught in this movie. Without giving away the tear-jerker sweet ending, I’ll just say that both parents and children can learn something about healthy communication between father and son, being true to yourself, and forgiving your enemy.
After watching this movie, I was inspired to make some jello, maybe supersize it so we can bounce around in it! Wouldn’t that be fun! The DVD is out, so get a copy and enjoy.
Disclosure: I was not compensated in any way except for the complimentary product for review. All opinions are my own. Receiving a free product does not influence my opinions about the product.
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