Bedtime routines for you and your kids
November 4th, 2010
We all have bedtime routines.
What are yours?
I brush my teeth, moisturize my face, brush my hair and clean the bathroom mirror; then I prop up my pillows and sit on my bed to pray and read before I turn off the light.
Our bedtime rituals are often not intentional, but over time, they become like a favorite old t-shirt, a familiar way to wind down bringing a sense of comfort and contentment.
Our children also need a bedtime routine. Take a bath, put the toys back on the bin, fill the water bowl for the cat, pick a book from the shelf, pick out the clothes for the next day, a little body massage, whatever works for you.
After a day full of activities, the bedtime routine gives them a predictable sense of familiarity which translates into a warm feeling of being at home, and finally snuggle in their bed.
Praying at the end of the day is a good way to bring closure. Unburden our mistakes, hurts, and guilt to Jesus; He is our loving Savior.
Let me warn, and I learned this the hard way of doing it wrong, no lectures, no instructions for the next day. Keep it positive at the end of the day. Fun memories of the day can be relived at bedtime with a few laughs together with your children.
Besides the usual “I love you”, give your children some specific accolades. “I am proud of the way you cleaned the table.” “Your smile made me so happy.” “Thanks for being kind to your sister by helping her pick up the toys.”
What are your bedtime rituals?
This poked me. With three boys aged 16, 15 and 7, I’ve mastered putting kids to sleep. Lovingly! There’s humming Frank Sinatra songs, even if I don’t memorize the lines, while rubbing their backs with baby oil or night lotion of lavender. Hubby told me the songs-cum-humming was so boring the eldest slept fast; with the second son, hubby said lavender does have sleep-inducing properties; and finally with the youngest and some 7 years gap, hubby submitted and told me my touch does magic. I believe in all three.
Thanks for the space.
Just wanted to share my own mom ideas.
Wonderful! A bit of loving touch at the end of the day not only relaxes but a beautiful way to end the day.
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