Entries from February 2010

Is it wrong to offer rewards to kids for something they should do?

February 23rd, 2010 / No Comments

A parent asked me, “Isn’t it wrong for parents to reward their children for something they should do, such as their homework? I would reward them for doing something above and beyond expectations, but why should I reward them for something that is their everyday responsibility?” In the previous post, I offered a suggestion on […]

How do you get your children to get their homework done?

February 19th, 2010 / 3 Comments

A parent asked me, “I’ve told my kids to do their homework when they first come home from school. But they just won’t do it, and end up finishing late. What can I do?” The parent’s thinking  is to get homework out of way first, and that is a good study habit. This makes sense…only […]

The importance of other adult influences on your children

February 16th, 2010 / 1 Comment

Have your kids ever said to you, “Of course YOU say I am good at _________(fill in the blank). But you’re my mom.” Our assessment of our children is most often correct, but we are perceived to be biased in our opinions, and therefore discounted. For example, I’ve always told my daughter that she had […]

What to do when children say, “We’re bored!”

February 11th, 2010 / No Comments

“Boooring…” This word has become the ultimate putdown. If a party is “boooring”, it is a total disaster. Or if a class is “boooring”, the teacher is the epitome of failure. I recently heard that in Michael Crichton’s  novel Timeline, a character made this insightful remark: “In other centuries, human beings wanted do to be […]

How to avoid burn out

February 4th, 2010 / No Comments

My mother told me that if she had a college education like me, she would be out working instead of being a stay- at -home mom. My mom was a devoted mom, but with 4 kids within 6 years, she probably went insane and wished to get out of the house. Have you ever felt […]

How do our children grow in maturity?

February 1st, 2010 / 1 Comment

Take a look back on your life; what were the circumstances that caused you to experience growth? I remember in elementary school, I wanted a pair of boots, because all my friends had boots. But my mom said they were impractical and a waste of money (she was right of course). I cried and lamented […]