What parenting is all about
September 15th, 2009
When parents ask me for advice for problems they are facing, they are hoping for the cure-all, a guarantee, a silver bullet that would make them the perfect parent with perfect kids in 3 easy steps.
Of course we know there is no such thing, but we keep hoping.
However, in order to satisfy the need for some quick answers, I picked out 5 principles I believe summarizes what a good parent can do, along with a link to a short post that illustrates the point.
1. Parenting requires us to be flexible and willing to put aside our own desires for the sake of our children. We are the ones who longed to have them in the first place.
Quality Time With Your Children
2. Parenting requires us to be careful and have self-control with our words even when we are frustrated. We are the adults in the situation.
Ten Things You Should Never Say To Your Kids
3. Parenting requires that we admit our shortcomings and make amends with our children. It’s never too late to restore relationships.
4. Parenting requires us to take care of ourselves so we can function effectively. It takes creativity to find time to relax, but it can be done!
10 Ways to Relax – With the Kids Around
5. Parenting requires us to put our priority into passing on values to our children. We can have great influence on the next generation when we put effort into teaching our children well.
Passing Values On To Our Children – Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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